Online registration is now closed. Walk-ins will be accepted at the door, $95.00 per person CASH ONLY.



 New visitors - please scroll down to learn how to Update Your Profile

Join your fellow Gaithersburg High School

Class of 1975 graduates

for our 35th Reunion celebrations!

August 14, 2010


 Find your profile and add pictures and news - help us generate excitement for a fun reunion weekend!  



We've set the date... August 14



Thanks to our great Reunion Committee members (including those who were drafted)!

As we work with A+ Reunions to set a date and venue,

please find and update your profile (see below) –

including uploading new and old photos!

More to follow – please reach out to any classmates you are in touch with

and send them to this site!  Thanks

 Dan Beaudoin

Gaithersburg Class of ‘75

35th Reunion Chair



Reunion Committee: 



Bob Armstrong  Ÿ  DeeAnne Attridge Putnam  Ÿ  Dan Beaudoin (chair)

Janice Bollinger Canella  Ÿ  Jeff Brown  Ÿ  Nancy Byrd Repetti

Mark Corrallo  Ÿ  Daniel Davies  Ÿ  Ken Degen  Ÿ  Mark Fekete  Ÿ  Doreen Fox Kelsey

Scott Frazer  Ÿ  Adam Frieder  Ÿ  Kathleen Hassett Herbert  Ÿ  Craig Holston

Phil Livingston  Ÿ  Joyce Lyons  Ÿ  Kathy McMahan  Ÿ  Abbie Minckler

Craig Minty  Ÿ  Carol Monson  Ÿ  Mark Pettygrove  Ÿ  Dian (Judy) Poore

Bruce Schram  Ÿ  Susie Smith Vogel  Ÿ  Vava Schroeder





Update Your Profile
Visit the "Classmates" page to View and update your profile. Use the search box to find your profile, or just browse through the pages until you find it. You can update your information and/or add a picture by clicking on the "View Profile" link to the right of your name, then clicking on "If this is your profile, you can add to or amend it. Find out how …" There you may add comments and photos for your classmates to view, choose to allow your classmates to email you through this website, and adjust all your other profile settings.


If you are not listed and you would like to create a profile and/or attend the reunion, please click on the "Contact Us" link on the left to notify A+ Reunions.